3.Financial, technical and human resources


Finding necessary resources for starting your own business

This module will provide you information about necessary resources for an enterprise start. For each type of resources, there is a more detailed list of them. The module introduces you the financial, human, physical and technical resources available for you. The module pays specific attention to the matter of knowledge and education


In the final part, a notion of circular economy is introduced, empathising its most importance in the modern world.

Some of the sections have quick and simple tools for self-assessment and checklist on the way of starting an enterprise.

Introduction: PowerPoint with audio 

Main resources for starting your own business:


The module gives an overview of necessary resources for an enterprise start: financial, human, knowledge, physical and technical. It explains the importance of accurate planning and possible sources of the assets emphasizing saving and circular economy principles as a modern and alternative way for business growth. 

A notion of circular economy is introduced, empathizing its utmost importance in the modern world. The given benefits of the circular economy encourage fresh entrepreneurs to apply them in practice.

Some sections are complemented with an exercise template or an independent workout.



To begin with the learner is introduced to necessary resources for an enterprise start. For each type of resources, there is a more detailed list of them. Some of the sections have quick and simple tools for self-assessment and checklist on the way of starting an enterprise.

Finding necessary resources for starting your own business (audio)

Financial resources (audio)

- Sources of financial resources (text and audio)

Human resources (audio)


- Human resources (chart and audio)



- Human resources: check list (workout and audio)



Knowledge and education (audio)

- Knowledge and education chart (audio and chart)

- Knowledge: self-check (workout and audio)



Physical and technical resources (audio)

- Physical and technical resources (text and audio)


- Sustainability and circular economy: advantages of ‘green’ business (text and audio)