1. Integration in labour market

There is a list of possible collaborators relevant for migrant women’s situation including possible off and on-line resources. The links to governmental and institutional resources in partner countries Italy, the Netherlands, and Sweden are provided.

Adult education includes formal, non-formal, and informal learning in order to improve or gain general skills, encourage personal development and increase access to employment, acquire new or improve existing competencies, retraining of the labor market needs. Education plays a crucial role in helping migrants to adapt to a new country and culture and to establish new social relations within host communities. Education and training practitioners can benefit from sharing the best practices that address the learning needs of migrants in increasingly diverse and multilingual environments.

Competencies are the most important searching job or creating your own business. What are competencies? See video explanation below.

Migrant integration can be seen as the result of immigration processes with the impact at three

levels: macro level (e.g., immigration and migrant integration policies), meso level (e.g., migration networks) and micro level (e.g., migratory behaviour). Migrant integration at the macro level is linked to overcoming integration obstacles using state/governmental resources. Migrant integration at the meso level is linked to the development of informal integration infrastructure through migration networks and NGOs activities, which facilitates access to the labour market, housing, education, health and social service sectors. Migrant integration at the micro level is linked to individual experiences.


Life-Long Learning

We all want wonderful life - a nice family, good relations, a dream job. How everything to reach - LEARN!

Life-long learning is nowadays a requirement and necessity.

How many hours do we spend per day to reach or hold our goal, wishes?

Do we invest in ourselves (skills, knowledge)?


If you finished any education or got the professional qualification and if you are not from EU countries you have to do diploma recognition to be able further to study or work. Below you can watch a short introduction video.


In the Netherlands

Holders of foreign diplomas who wish to study or work in the Netherlands often need an evaluation of their diploma according to Dutch standards. International diploma evaluation is the core business of 2 centres of expertise in the Netherlands: Nuffic Link opent externe pagina in The Hague and SBB Link opent externe pagina (Stichting Samenwerking Beroepsonderwijs Bedrijfsleven) in Zoetermeer.

For questions about diploma evaluation, you can contact the joint information desk of Nuffic and SBB at the Informatiecentrum Diplomawaardering Link opent externe pagina (IDW)



1. Nuffic https://www.nuffic.nl/en/subjects/diploma/studying-in-the-netherlands-with-a-foreign-diploma

2.SBB  https://www.s-bb.nl/en/ (vocational diploma)






1. https://www.miur.gov.it/titoli-accademici-esteri
2. https://pc.istruzioneer.gov.it/pagine-tematiche/riconoscimento-di-titoli-di-studio-stranieri-in-italia/